
Welcome to Jamie's Homepage!

Welcome A demonstration of safe manhole descent The sun wearing sunglasses

Floppy disc Flaming tech Skeleton hand holding 'email' Computer Construction sign Nuclear model of atom MSN explorer badge HTML coding Hacking Spinning car Flashing 'new' RADAR scanning Solutions Spinning treble clef Rabbit coming out of a hat Explosion Tux the penguin doing acrobatics Microsoft windows

My name is Jamie Parkinson and this is my homepage.
I'm a software developer.

Currently I work at Wellcome Collection. Before that I worked at:

You can find my CV here.

A digger
Flaming tech Skeleton hand holding 'email' RADAR scanning Solutions Floppy disc Construction sign Nuclear model of atom MSN explorer badge HTML coding Hacking Spinning car Tux the penguin doing acrobatics Microsoft windows Flashing 'new' Spinning treble clef Rabbit coming out of a hat Computer Explosion

I know

some things i done Links

Cellular Automata MSCi thesis
Fun with hex and binary Grover search
A paper Probability distributions
Shor's algorithm (incomplete)   A technical illustration of AC ducts A kitten in a hammock A conference An angel A graph being plotted

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